JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – After announced budget cuts, James River Valley Library System Director Joe Rector says they’ll continue to offer what they can to the city and county.
Recently, the library board decided to close the Stutsman County Library in the morning, but will open at noon on weekdays beginning October 1st. Rector says they’ll add evening programs too at Stutsman County Library to offset the hour changes.
Some of these programs include cooking classes, Lego club, and other events as planning continues. Rector says they’ve also changed hours at Alfred Dickey Public Library to help the hour changes.
In other library information, Rector says they’ll be unveiling a new website at the end of the month. He says this will feature some new and unique capabilities going forward.
The Bookmobile also continues to help increase access to books across Stutsman County and Rector added they’re currently constructing their Little Free Libraries to be installed in different communities. At this time, they’re looking for book donations to fill these “libraries.”
For more information on the James River Valley Library System, visit jrvls.org or like them on Facebook. You can also call the Alfred Dickey Public Library at 701-252-2900 or Stutsman County Library at 701-252-1531.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Joe Rector below: