VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) held its annual Strategic Planning Board Meeting last week. Some of the topics discussed were, governance, power generation, grid stability, polar vortex and drought to name a few. MRES is dedicated to providing us with reliable, affordable electrical power.
The COVID-19 variant has been spreading around the United States. We have about 190 cases in North Dakota of this very contagious virus. That it requires a number of weeks to be fully vaccinated, PLEASE get started and protect your family and friends.
On Tuesday, July 20th @ 5:00 p.m. the Barnes County Library presents “Little Red Riding Hood Crime Scene Investigation”. The library parking lot is the scene of the crime and something has happened to Little Red Riding Hood’s Grandma. Teens aided by Officer Sean Hagen, will investigate the crime scene, look for clues and interrogate suspects, to find out what happened to Grandma, and “whodunit”?
BE SAFE. We are in line for another stretch of hot, dry weather. Please take care of the younger and older folks as dehydration can take place very rapidly. Drink more water than you might think you need as if you wait until you are “thirsty”, it is often too late.
On Thursday, August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”. For details see: http://www.vclongesttable.org/
Blessings, Be Respectful, Be Kind and Pray,
Dave Carlsrud
Valley City Mayor