
(NAFB) – As the Beef Checkoff celebrates its 35th anniversary, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association highlights the successful promotion and research programs that drive the demand for beef.

The Beef Quality Assurance program has improved beef quality and increased consumer confidence for more than 30 years. Managed by NCBA, the Checkoff-funded voluntary BQA program ensures U.S. beef is produced under stringent animal care standards to provide safe, high-quality meat. The BQA program trains farmers and ranchers on best practices and cattle management techniques to ensure their animals and the environment are cared for within a standard set of guidelines across the U.S. beef industry.

With more than 85 percent of the beef supply in the U.S. today coming from a BQA certified farmer or rancher, consumers should have the utmost confidence in the beef they purchase, according to NCBA. BQA programs have evolved to include best practices around record keeping and protecting herd health, which can result in more profits for producers.