NAFB – The Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service estimates 92.7 million acres of corn planted in the United States for 2021, up two percent from last year.
The June 30 Acreage report also estimates soybean area planted at 87.6 million acres, up five percent from last year. Growers expect to harvest 84.5 million acres of corn for grain, up two percent from last year, and 93 percent of corn acres planted in the United States are biotech varieties, up one percentage point from last year.
Producers planted 95 percent of the soybean acreage using herbicide-resistant seed varieties, one percentage point higher than in 2020.
All wheat planted area for 2021 is estimated at 46.7 million acres, up five percent from last year. This represents the fourth-lowest all wheat planted area on record since records began in 1919. All cotton planted area for 2021 is estimated at 11.7 million acres, three percent below last year.