
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRVLS) – Do you have fines on your library account?

The James River Valley Library System (JRVLS) is giving residents a chance to have your fees waived and help someone in need at the same time.

Bring in a non-perishable food item or toiletry item to any library branch of the James River Valley Library System, April 26 to May 31, and we will forgive your overdue fines.

All donations will be given to the local food pantries.

Please note that charges for lost or damage items will not be forgiven. Only overdue fines for materials that have been returned late will be forgiven.

Food for Fines runs April 26, 2021 through May 31, 2021.

No fines on your account?

“That’s ok, we will gladly accept your donations even if you don’t have any fines on your account,” the library states.

To learn more about the Food for Fines, or to arrange the drop off of your donated items please contact the library at 701-252-2990 or

The James River Valley Library System is located in Jamestown, ND, and consists of the Alfred Dickey Branch, the Stutsman County Branch, and the Bookmobile. We serve all of Stutsman County by providing access to free library services and materials.