JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Finance & Legal Committee approved to extend the mosquito spraying agreement Tuesday afternoon.
The agreement between the city and Airborne Custom Spraying Inc. of Halstad, MN keeps the company on retainer in the event the city decides to use aerial spraying for vector control.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich says the city has had this agreement for a number of years and they have used their service before.
Councilmember Dave Steele added some concerns other cities have had with aerial spraying in the past.
He added that the spraying will only account for mosquitos inside city limits and depends on weather conditions to be effective.
Heinrich reports most of the vector spraying done by the city is on the ground. The city only used aerial spraying twice in 2020, receiving generally positive reviews by residents.
The committee unanimously approved extending the agreement.