

Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service


Growth Energy announced its support for legislation reintroduced Wednesday requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to update its greenhouse gas modeling for ethanol and biodiesel. Introduced by Senators John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, and Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat, the bill would change EPA greenhouse gas modeling to “accurately reflect the greenhouse gas reductions achieved by biofuels.” EPA would then be required to update its modeling every five years or report to Congress to affirm its modeling is current or otherwise explain why no updates were made. The Adopt Greenhouse Gas and Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Transportation, or GREET Act, was previously introduced in the last session of Congress. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says, “updating the modeling at EPA is long overdue and necessary to fully reflect biofuels’ potential to decarbonize the transportation sector.” Meanwhile, National Corn Growers Association President John Linder stated, “This bill will ensure EPA uses the most recent science and data to accurately measure the greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits of ethanol.”