
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The following is a news release by CEO Keith Heuser.

“We understand how much it means to patients to have their loved ones with them during their hospitalization and outpatient visits. We at CHI Mercy Health want to keep the community informed of what our current visitation policies are.Social distancing, masking, and hand sanitizing requirements will be maintained in all hospital departments.

Any visitor who cannot adhere to the guidelines will be asked to leave the facility and if accompanying a patient, be asked to wait in his/her vehicle. CHI Mercy Health respects the rights of all community members; because of the services we provide, our first duty is to the safety and care of patients and staff. We will actively defend this duty and are confident that everyone visiting our facility will understand and do the same. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.”

CHI Mercy Health’s visitation restrictions February 1, 2021 are as follows:

Visitors are asked to stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness. All visitors are required to wear a medical-grade mask and will be screened at the front desk prior to entry. No visitors under the age of 18 (exceptions may be made at the discretion of the care team).

All visitors will use the Main Entrance (Door #1) and will check in and check out at the front desk.

All PCU, Emergency Department, Surgery, Pain and Ambulatory Care patients may have two visitor per day. Patient and visitor must remain masked and remain in patient’s room during visitation. Compassionate care visitation – limited to two visitors at a time. Pediatric patients or Adult patients requiring a caregiver may have two support persons with them at all times.

Please log onto CHI Mercy Health Website for COVID-19 updates.