VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – City County Health District Administrator Theresa Will said more than 100 health care workers, law enforcement and emergency personal received the COVID-19 vaccine. She said more vaccines will be arriving weekly.
In the meantime, COVID-19 testing is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s from 1pm to 2pm in the VCSU Fieldhouse.
The Quick Test is administered on Wednesday’s and Friday’s in Valley City.
Feature photo, includes first responders, Fire Chief Scott Magnuson, Police Chief Phil Hatcher, and Barnes County Sheriff Randy McClaflin. The three received their COVID-19 vaccine from the City County Health District office in Valley City.
Theresa Will said the vaccine is up to 95% effective after receiving the second dose 4 weeks later. She added, it is essential that 70% of us receive the vaccine in order to reach ‘herd’ immunity, meaning that we can start to return to a normal life. Even after being vaccinated, however, it is important to wear a mask until further notice.