

Growth Energy Monday released a new report examining the potential climate benefits of a nationwide transition from the standard ten-percent ethanol blended fuel to a 15-percent ethanol blend. The report was authored by Air Improvement Resource, Inc., a leading research firm in the area of mobile source emissions modeling and technology, at the request of Growth Energy. Based on the analysis, Growth Energy estimates that if the United States transitioned from E10 to E15 in the nation for 2001 and later model year vehicles, GHG emissions would decline 17.62 million tons per year, which is the equivalent of removing approximately 3.85 million vehicles from the road. Marketed to consumers as Unleaded 88, E15 is approved by the EPA for all light-duty vehicles model year 2001 and later, which is 95 percent of the vehicle fleet on the road today. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says, “the evidence is clear that higher biofuel blends will play a vital role in America’s clean energy future.”