
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – After 10 years of service to the county, Stutsman County Commissioner Dave Schwartz gave his final motion to dismiss the county meeting Tuesday morning.

Schwartz decided not to run for re-election in the 2020 Primary Election, leaving his seat open. Joan Morris will be stepping into that role.

Commission Chairman Mark Klose thanked Schwartz for all he’s done for the county.

Klose added that he believes Morris will do a fantastic job and Schwartz will be deeply missed in the county.

Schwartz thanked the county and staff.

Schwartz reflected a bit on his tenure as a commissioner, adding his deep respect for those who serve in public office.

With that, Schwartz gave his final motions to dismiss the Park Board meeting and Stutsman County Commission meeting.

Schwartz was voted to fill the final two years of former commissioner Doug Kaiser in 2010. He had decided to apply for the seat after Kaiser passed away.