

NDSU Extension


Two youth have been selected to join the North Dakota 4-H Ambassadors program.

The new team members are:

* Avery Roth, Grant County, Grant County High School

* Leo Devick, Cass County, All Saints Academy

COVID-19 dictated that the state 4-H Ambassador elections be held online. The event took place using a Zoom video conference platform. Election co-chairs Rachel Larson, Adams County, and Katelyn Sott, Pembina County, ran this virtual event during the Ambassadors’ fall retreat.

“Our elections co-chairs did a great job, providing a positive and engaging virtual experience for youth running to become an Ambassador,” says Hannah Nordby, 4-H Ambassadors co-adviser and a North Dakota State University Extension agent in Adams County.

“I learned a lot through planning selections this year,” Larson says. “I have mastered Zoom, for one thing. All of our candidates this year were amazing and I am so glad most of them got in.”

The election process begins with candidates completing an application and providing references.

 “Once the application is received in the state 4-H office, then candidates must commit to the selection interview process,” says Sue Quamme, North Dakota 4-H Ambassadors co-adviser. “They must attend in person (or in this case, virtually), where they participate in various events that include a formal interview, informal interview, problem solving event and formal speech.

“Each portion is judged with a rubric,” she notes. “Having an online event meant judges were able to be secured from throughout the state, enabling the various events to be judged by 12 Extension agents, and current and alumni Ambassadors.”

Devick was excited about his experience.

“My first experience with the Ambassadors was at EYC (Extension Youth Conference) 2019,” he says. “I was really impressed with their leadership abilities and how friendly they were. I knew I had to join them!

“I’m really excited to get to know all these great Ambies, and to help get the word out about 4-H,” he adds. 

Shelby Hewson, an NDSU Extension agent from Slope County, served as one of the judges.

“What an amazing experience to be a judge for the 4-H Ambassador selections,” she says. “They are an outstanding group of young adults, with each candidate being more than capable of enhancing and promoting the North Dakota 4-H youth program.” 

More information on the North Dakota 4-H Ambassador program can be found at https://www.ndsu.edu/4h.

“This event is just another great example of how innovative and committed the North Dakota state 4-H Ambassadors are to North Dakota 4-H youth,” Nordby says.