Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association applauds Representative Dan Newhouse being unanimously elected as Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus. Newhouse, a Washington state Republican, will serve as chairman in the upcoming 117th Congress. In a statement, NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs, Ethan Lane, says, “Congressman Newhouse is a strong advocate for cattle producers and has been instrumental in getting critical legislation across the finish line.” Following the announcement, Newhouse called the caucus “the premier organization advocating for rural policy issues throughout the West and beyond.” The Western Caucus serves as a common voice for members of Congress representing western, rural and resource-based communities and fighting for the priorities of the American people in the process. Initially, the Caucus was born in the West, out of concerns of federal interference with rural, agricultural, timber, water, energy and hunting e. Over time, the Caucus has grown beyond the geographic West, allying with Members of Congress throughout the country to join.