China is flying a record number of live hogs into the country as it seeks to rebuild hog herds. The nation is seeking to improve genetics and boost productivity, according to Bloomberg News, by flying in more than 15,000 hogs so far this year. The move comes as China seeks to increase its hog herd following the African swine fever outbreak. The hogs are worth an estimated $32 million, compared to just $3 million of hogs imported a year ago. China is seeking to modernize its hog production as well, shifting to a model of large-scale production. Meanwhile, the more than 15,000 hogs flown into the country come from Denmark, France and the United Kingdom. The number of breeding sows rose 28 percent from a year earlier to 38 million by the end of September. China is also importing a record value and volume of processed pork to fill the protein gap while its herd is repopulated.