The National Biodiesel Conference and Expo is going virtual for the 2021 event January 18-21. The event is going online to share the latest biodiesel and renewable diesel industry news, highlight key speakers, and showcase industry sponsor companies. The virtual event will be accessible to everyone, sharing the industry’s message from coast to coast through a new, safe format that will rise to meet the needs of all attendees. The event is one of many in early 2021 pivoting to a virtual platform due to COVID-19 concerns. NBB CEO Donnell Rehagen says, “we can’t wait to kick off a new year in 2021 with our members and key industry partners during our first-ever virtual conference.” The conference includes topics on low-carbon fuels, bioheat, the Renewable Fuel Standard, and the changing landscape for diesel vehicles, among many others. Registration is open for the 2021 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo online at biodieselconference.org.