2019 Citizen of the Year award recipients Reuben & Clarice Liecthy from the 89th Annual Chamber Banquet
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce is currently planning their annual banquet. But just like most things, it may look slightly different this time around.
Chamber Executive Director Emily Bivens says the annual banquet is an integral part of their organization. During the annual event, businesses, individuals, and those who have gone above and beyond in their service to Jamestown are recognized.
Bivens says during the event, they also recognize the previous years Business of the Month recipients, Customer Service Award recipients, and more. At this time, they’re needing nominations for their three more prestigious awards; the Above & Beyond award, Young Professional of the Year award, and Citizen of the Year award.
While it’s typically held in January, Bivens says because of the pandemic, they’re exploring different ways to host the banquet at this time. This includes a potential virtual event.
To make a nomination or for more information, visit jamestownchamber.com or like them on Facebook.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Emily Bivens below: