

Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service


Despite what has been a slower agricultural land market the past few years, the dollar amount of land that Farmers National Company is selling for its clients is near record levels. As of October 1, the company and its agents report actively marketing and selling land worth $300 million. Land being marketed includes good quality tillable cropland of all sizes, recreational land, ranches, pastureland, timberland, rural homes and acreages, and transitional land near urban areas. The amount of land for sale varies by region and by brokerage. Some areas continue to have less for sale than normal, and others are seeing a slight uptick in the amount of land listed for sale. Landowners have been and continue to be making decisions whether to sell now, in early 2021, or to hold onto their land. There has also been a reported increase in farmland interest by investment firms, seeking long-term and stable investment options.

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