VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Spay & Neuter Week is September 21st thru 25th at the Valley City Vet Hospital. Schedule an appointment being there are a limited number of spaces available. There will be a 15 percent discount plus a $25 Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals incentive to spay or neuter your pet. Schedule your appointment today by calling 845-3662.
All domestic animals need a rabies vaccination. Pet owners participating in this offer must provide proof of a current vaccination or their pet will be vaccinated and the owner will be assessed for this out-of-pocket expense. Rabies vaccinations will not be included in the discounted cost for the spay/neuter procedure or be part of the incentive voucher.
Remember, all dogs and cats are required to be licensed inside the city limits of Valley City. Purchase licenses at the Valley City Police Department. Proof of rabies vaccination is required.