VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a news release from Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud.
“The 12th Annual Debbie Gabel Cancer Memorial Ride was held last week and I am told it generated around $10,000.00 for charity. Great job folks.
Kudos to the Valley City Public Works Department. Summer brings much additional work with construction, mowing grass, repairing streets, spraying for mosquitoes and all the everyday duties. Organizing employees around work schedules, vacation schedules and “life’s demands” while completing the work is an art.
Congratulations on your retirement and thank you Dave Andersen for 12-years of dedicated service to the citizens of Valley City as Building and Fire Inspector. The nature of the Building and Fire Inspector position necessitates much ordinance knowledge and many tough decisions; thank you for being there for us.
COVID-19 ….. Oh boy! North Dakota is conducting record-breaking numbers of COVID-19 tests. Tests are proving the virus is widespread in our state and is making a move in Barnes County. People in their 20’s and 30’s represent the largest number of positive tests though the 40’s group is a close 3rd. EVERYONE, be careful as this stuff can kill anyone at any age.
Summer Nights on Central took place last Thursday after missing the week before due to a COVID-19 exposure. Great job, thank you to all who worked on the event, it was set up nicely.
“The Sheyenne RiverFest” activities run now thru August 8th. For information, Google (Valley City, ND, Sheyenne RiverFest)
A number of trees are showing pre-mature yellowing of leaves. It could be Iron Chorosis, for further information, Google (Iron Chlorosis) . Our NDSU Extension Agent, Randy Grueneich, is a great resource; randy.grueneich@ndsu.edu
“The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows” (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Blessings, Pray and Be Safe, Mayor Dave Carlsrud