JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Public School parents received the latest information surrounding the timeline for school re-entry this fall.
Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech reports that their re-entry team has been meeting and working in writing a re-entry plan that best meets the needs of the school and community.
“This group includes parents, students, teachers, support staff, administrators, school board, various department representation, special services, and local health officials,” Dr. Lech stated. “This team has given so freely of their time and are making a significant commitment to our school district.”
As part of the process, Dr. Lech says they have been completing surveys and have received 1,359 family responses and 244 staff responses as of July 22nd.
Dr. Lech says at this time, they have created a timeline to allow for the most up-to-date information regarding their plan and process.
-July 23 – July 27: Re-Entry Planning Team and Various Sub-Committee Meetings
-Week of July 27 – July 31: Draft Re-Entry Plan (i.e. Health and Safety Plan) will be email to all staff and students and posted to the school district’s website.
-August 4: Conduct Virtual Presentation via Zoom for Staff to Provide Input
-August 5: Conduct Virtual Presentation via Zoom for Public to Provide Input
-August 6: Present Required Plan and Revised School Calendar to School Board for Approval at a Special Meeting
“Please be aware that the team has been discussing a revised school calendar to better accommodate the various school needs related to how to best support the educational needs of students during this pandemic,” Dr. Lech added. “The proposal, as a part of this plan, will be to use August 17-August 26 as professional development and planning days for the staff and to begin school on August 27. This change to the calendar requires school board approval, which would be formally requested on August 6.”
Dr. Lech encouraged the district to remain patient as they plan the upcoming school year as best they can.
“Our plan will not be perfect and we will not be able to prepare for every scenario. We are all on the same side and we all want what’s best for our children and students. There are some potential hidden opportunities in all of this for education and we can begin to redesign some of our practices for the better. Thank you for your continued support and your thoughts during this challenging time.”