JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Stutsman County Commission discussed reopening the courthouse to the public during their recent commission meeting Tuesday evening.
The courthouse was closed to the public earlier this year in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Stutsman County Auditor Nicole Meland says other counties have since opened their courthouses and some counties who didn’t have staff working in their offices.
She told the commission she was comfortable with reopening their offices to the public.
Other services including wedding certificates and passports, which would be done on an appointment basis. LEC and the jail would also be limited access to the public.
The commission unanimously approved to reopen the courthouse Wednesday, June 17th.
In other county business, Commissioner Dave Schwartz brought forth the latest information from Border States regarding a patch needed on Stutsman County Highway 40 and Highway 52.
Schwartz says they are currently under budget in their chipseal and they could use funds from there. He says it’s costly, but needs to be done. He added that the state will not be adding any funds for the project.
Klose added that several businesses use the roadway and they should look to possibly cost share the project to those businesses and operations.
A letter will be sent to the businesses regarding the project.