
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The annual Running of the Pink has been held for the last 12 years, raising more than $150,000 for breast and cervical cancer screenings at no charge to area residents.

Put on by RM Stoudt in Jamestown, the 5k walk/run and 10k run has been held in Jamestown. Tara Kapp says they are monitoring the current state guidelines and that’s why they’ve moved the event from it’s usual June date.

The 13th annual event has been moved to July 11th. Kapp says they’ve added a virtual twist for those who may not be comfortable running with a group or might not be able to travel to Jamestown to participate in the run.

Kapp says once the virtual race is established, runners who have registered can select the course and run it how they see fit.

Kapp says Casey Stoudt and RM Stoudt front the cost for the event, so 100 percent of all proceeds go to the Jamestown Regional Medical Center and Women’s Way through Central Valley Health.

She added that the event continues to be an important fundraiser for those causes.

You can register for the Running of the Pink by visit, call 701-252-2270, or like the Running of the Green on Facebook for the latest updates.

You can also follow Casey Stoudt and his journey to prepare for the Running of the Pink and how it got started by reading his blog here.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Tara Kapp below: