Melissa Woods with Hope Church was on the show to talk about the Community Food & Supply Drive. Non-perishable food items and household cleaning supplies will be accepted as donations and then packaged up and delivered to those who need them.

06/24/21 – Nichole Greshik & Joe Rector, JRVLS
Nichole Greshik & Joe Rector were on the show to talk about the latest James River Valley Library System (JRVLS) happenings including bookmobile events and more. Visit for more information....

03/08/22 – Local News Update
City Approves Special Assessment Change, Jamestown Student Shares Experience Serving as Senate Page...

11/10/21 – Jill Edinger & Annie Keffeler, AMOF Fundraiser
Jill Edinger & Annie Keffeler talk about a “Trim the Tree” fundraiser happening through December 24th. Donations will decorate a tree at Sapphire Gallery with all proceeds benefitting A Moment of Freedom....