Craig Melhoff with the El Zagal Mystics was on the show to talk more about their mission and their 39th annual Fish Fry on Friday, March 20th. The staple event for the club has raised money for children's hospitals every year. The Shrine Circus will also be held on Tuesday, March 31st.

Let’s Talk About It: Pam Phillips – ND Women’

01/20/21 – Local Sports Report
Your local sports report for Jamestown on January 20th. A recap of Blue Jays boys and girls hockey, as well as girls basketball....

07/12/22 – Nate Willer, Young Professionals of Jamestown
Young Professionals of Jamestown President Nate Willer talks about their upcoming cornhole tournament during Buffalo Days on Saturday, July 23rd. You can register a team at or on the YPJ Facebook page....