JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A proposed action plan to replace the city of Jamestown’s ladder truck was discussed at the latest Police & Fire Committee meeting Tuesday.
The City of Jamestown was made aware of the need for a new ladder truck after Jamestown Fire Chief Jim Reuther reported that their ladder truck supplied by the state had become unusable. The cost to replace the truck would be around $1 million.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich reported that in discussions with officials, dignitaries, and others, they have come up with an action plan to address this need in Jamestown.
Mayor Heinrich stated that one way the city could procure a new ladder truck was by splitting the cost three ways; 1/3 to the city, 1/3 to regional donations, and final 1/3 to the state of North Dakota.
Mayor Heinrich says with no previous plan in place to replace the fire truck, this would be one of the best options for the city to replace the truck.
Councilmember Dave Steele said he agreed with the Mayor, adding his confidence that if the city and area could come up with their part of the funding, the state could provide the final portion of the funding to purchase a truck.
Jamestown Fire Chief Jim Reuther added he believed that achieving the proposed action plan was doable and sorely needed.
Chief Ruether added that the public was invited to come view a new aerial ladder truck that would make a stop in Jamestown on Wednesday, February 26th from 9 AM to 11 AM. He says it would be similar to the unit they would like to purchase for the department.
In other committee news, Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger brought forth a proposed amendment to the city code regarding the amount of time an officer lived outside of city limits.
Edinger says he would like to get a more uniform and consistent policy in place of 20 minutes outside of city limits in order to work for the department.
He says changing this may also increase their hiring pool for the department.
The City Attorney was directed to draft the wording for proper ordinance to make the requested change.