01/28/21 – Mack Schroer, Pop Cars Art Exhibit
Mack Schroer’s exhibit “Pop Cars” will be at the Jamestown Arts Center through March 6th. You can hear more about his art and how he came up with this show in today’s Let’s Talk About It. Visit...

03/02/21 – Katherine Pendergast, PR for Business
Katherine Pendergast, AKA Kat Socks, is an author and more. She’ll be sharing information on bringing PR to Your Business during the Women’s Business Conference the week of March 8th. Find more information at jrecenter.com....

11/19/19 – Patrick Metzger, EOS & JREC Workshop
Patrick Metzger is an EOS Implementer, high performance coach and speaker. He’ll be bringing his information and message to an open workshop through the Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center (JREC) on Thursday, November 21st beginning at 6:30 PM....