VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Valley City Public School students and staff were able to collect a total of $2523.02 during two days of bell ringing at both Leever’s locations in Valley City on December 10th & 11th. The Junior High will be awarded the “Red Kettle” traveling trophy for 2019. Their grand total was $887.87
Superintendent Josh Johnson thanked all of their students, staff, and the community that helped to lift up the Salvation Army and participated in the 4th Annual “Red Kettle” Challenge.
The Barnes County Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign’s goal is to raise $60,000. Chairman Lee Isensee thanked the people, schools and businesses who donated and those who plan to contribute in the days ahead.
Volunteer bell ringers are needed at Leevers North & South and at Petro Serve USA in Valley City. To be a bell ringer call Tim Kadrmas at 490-1044 or Don Fiebiger at 840-3641.