BISMARCK, N.D. (NDDOT) – Motor vehicle crashes continue to be the leading cause of injury-related death in North Dakota. The recently released 2018 North Dakota Crash Summary details contributing factors of motor vehicle crashes, fatalities, and injuries in North Dakota as a part of the state’s Vision Zero strategy.
Newly appointed North Dakota Department of Transportation Director Bill Panos highlights statistics from the Crash Summary, a tool used to assess the goals of Vision Zero.
“Of the 105 fatalities in 2018, about 48% were not wearing their seat belt in vehicles that were seat belt-eligible, 32% were alcohol-related, and 45% involved speed and/or aggressive driving,” Panos states.
Panos encourages all residents to take an active role in Vision Zero by taking personal responsibility every time you travel in a vehicle.
“Research shows 94% of motor vehicle crashes can be attributed to preventable human behavior. Let’s all arrive at our destination safely by always wearing a seat belt, transporting children in child passenger safety seats appropriate for the child’s age, height, and weight, driving distraction-free, not driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and obeying all posted speed limits and all other traffic laws.”
To learn more about the Vision Zero strategy visit