Due to the weather forecast and a scheduling issue, the keynote speaker will be unable to present at the Leadership Conference scheduled for this Thursday. As a result, the University has postponed the conference until the spring, including the luncheon.
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Character in Leadership program is at the academic core of the University of Jamestown.
Started several years ago, the Character in Leadership program has provided a “broad and sound intellectual foundation that enables its students to provide ethical leadership. in an ever-changing world.”
Liz Hunt is the Director of the Character in Leadership program at the University of Jamestown. She says they began an academic minor for students and the program has grown exponentially.
There is now a Master of Arts in Leadership as well as several concentrations, a non-profit, business tract and the University is currently researching an online course.
Hunt says another part of the program is involving community to learn alongside the students through the Character in Leadership Annual Conference.
Hunt says the free conference will feature breakout sessions with:
-Monsignor James Shea, President, University of Mary
-Steve Bietz, Retired CEO of WBI Holdings and 1st Vice Chair of the UJ Board
-Mindi Schmitz, Executive Director, Jamestown Arts Center
Following the sessions, keynote speaker Dr. Shane Berg will speak. Berg has received degrees in religion, philosophy, and writing from the University of Jamestown. Today, he is now Executive Vice President at Princeton Theological Seminary.
The conference is free and open to the public on October 10th at the University of Jamestown inside the Reiland Fine Arts Center from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
You’re encouraged to reserve your seat and participation by calling 701-252-3467 ext. 5435 or visit uj.edu for more information.
You can listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Liz Hunt below: