Sean Coffman, Executive Director for the non-profit The Human Family, was on the show to talk about what their organization does and an upcoming documentary on Homelessness in North Dakota. The multi-episodic documentary will highlight just exactly how homelessness looks like in our North Dakota communities. The first episode will premiere in Jamestown on September 17th at 7 PM at the Jamestown Arts Center as part of the Great Plains Housing Authority's Vital Services Conference.

3/31/20 – Amy Walters, TRAC Facilities Manager
Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager Amy Walters was on the show to give the latest information on TRAC. This includes their OnTRAC Child Care, online instructions, memberships, and how the public can help during these...

11/21/19 – Major Judy Lowder, Salvation Army
Jamestown Salvation Army Major Judy Lowder was on the show to talk about the Red Kettle Campaign. With a goal of $139,000, the Salvation Army is in dire need of volunteers. Roughly 1,147 hours are open that...

05/06/22 – Kegels & Cocktails May 10
JRMC OBGYN Dr. Emily Stromquist, Nurse Practitioner Mackenzie Breitbach, and Katie Ryan-Anderson talk about a May 10th event called “Kegels & Cocktails” to learn more about pelvic floor health. The event is free and open to all....