
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The North Dakota Highway Patrol, in conjunction with the Minnesota State Patrol and Wisconsin State Patrol, will be conducting a Border-to-Border enforcement saturation effort on Interstate 94, Aug. 26 through Sept. 1 leading up to the Labor Day holiday.

The focus of the saturation effort will be on aggressive driving behaviors.

Troopers will be watching for excessive speed; following too close; lane change violations; hands-free violations; failure to signal; and other aggressive driving behaviors.

Lt. Steve Fischer, SW Regional NDHP Commander, stated, “This doesn’t mean writing
more tickets—it means saving more lives. Through our enforcement efforts of focusing on aggressive behaviors, we remind drivers to share the road, be courteous, patient, and focus on safe driving practices.”

Capt. Bryan Niewind, SE Regional NDHP Commander, commented on the combined
efforts of neighboring states noting, “Border to Border initiatives allow our law enforcement agencies to work together and bring focus to high priority driving concerns that pose a risk to everyone on the road.”

All drivers are encouraged to team up with NDHP, the ND Department of Health and ND Department of Transportation as we all work together to achieve Vision Zero: zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.