The Friends 4 ND Vets announces that the 13th Annual Rally, including the Annual 141 Honor Ride and Reunion is August 16 & 17 at the Jamestown Civic Center.
Friday August 16
Steak Fry, Silent Auction/Raffle. Doors open at 5-p.m., for the Social Hour. Steak Fry at 6-p.m., with the chance to win $2,500 in cash prizes. Tickets $20. Entertainment, $10 at the door.
Entertainment by Joe Schmidt & Tennessee Friends, at 7-p.m.
Saturday August 17
Annual 141 Honor Ride and Reunion, Silent Auction and Door Prizes. Register for the Honor Ride from 9-a.m., to 10:30-a.m. $10 per person. The Honor Ride leaves the Civic Center at 11-a.m. Return for the meal at 6-p.m., for participants and family of the Fallen.
School of Rock will entertain. A cash bar all evening. Must be 21 or older to enter the designated alcohol premises.
This is a public event, and all families are welcome. Transportation will be available for non-riders.
Tickets available from Ride Captains, Bottles & Jugs, and the Civic Center.
More information available at and on their Facebook page.