It’s hard for many in the Midwest to believe 2019 could turn into a drought year following the wet spring and delayed planting.
However, the latest Drought Monitor shows parts of Iowa, Illinois and Indiana on the brink of a drought, following the nations wettest 12-month period on record.
It’s important to note the Midwest Region of the Drought Monitor is 84 percent drought-free, but that’s down from 91 percent last week, and 100 percent three months ago.
Any classified drought in the Corn Belt adds additional stress to farmers and their crops, with most fields planted late and slow to mature.
A late harvest season is expected this year, with growing fears of frost damage.
Meanwhile, there are classified drought areas in Oklahoma and Texas.
The data shows 45 percent of Oklahoma is classified as a drought area, mainly central to western Oklahoma.
Central and West Texas make up most of the drought area of the state, accounting for 46 percent of land area.