JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The community’s assistance is being requested in a survey from the Jamestown Parks & Recreation Department.
The survey will help the department develop a strategic plan.
“The Parks and Recreation department’s strategic plan will help the department follow the mission statement by providing and preserving the highest quality of parks and program services for our citizens as possible with the resources available,” the department states in a release. “[This includes] in the planning, maintenance, and development and/or rehabilitation of Jamestown parks and recreation facilities.”
All Jamestown residents and park users are asked to participate in the online survey at jamestownparksandrec.com. The survey is also available at the Parks & Recreation office located at 1002 2nd Avenue SE in Jamestown.
The survey will be available until Wednesday, June 26th.
For more information or for any questions, contact the department office at 701-252-3982 or send an email to office@jamestownparksandrec.com.