JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Stutsman County 4-H and NDSU Extension Service will be hosting their 4th annual Stutsman County Multi-Species Showmanship Clinic May 29th.
Summer in North Dakota features multiple opportunities for state youth to show their animals. NDSU Extension Agent and 4-H Coordinator Robin Barnes says there’s a lot of work leading up to showing an animal.
Barnes says they offer the free showmanship clinic for any youth in the area that want to get some guidance and help before the judging season begins.
Barnes says they have participants come from all over to participate and bringing animals is not required.
The clinic will be held Wednesday, May 29th at the Stutsman County Fairgrounds. Registration is required and clinicians will be available for 9 different species each hour during the four different sessions.
4-Hers can also complete the required YQCA training needed in some counties and at the State Fair.
For more information, contact Denise Walton 701-580-2842 or Stutsman County Extension at 701-252-9030. Click here to find registrations and more information online.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Robin Barnes below: