
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Rhonda Nudell, Scott Johnson and eight retirees were recognized during the annual Valley City Public Schools Achievement and Excellence Social on May 8th in the Hi-Liner Activity Center in Valley City.

And here are your retirees in the VCPS District; Karen Askerooth retired after serving the school district for 43 years, Connie Courtney served for 40 years, Julie Yokom for 36 years followed by Peggy Kvien, Marsha Moen, Bob Burchill, Rick Derheim and Eileen Maresh.

Scott Johnson was the 2019 VCEA Friend of Education for his many years of volunteerism at several school related activities.

And Rhonda Nudell a 5th Grade Teacher received the 2019 Teacher of the Year. She is the 40th recipient of the award. She has been at Washington Elementary for 11 years.

VCPS Awards