The Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Says Iowa may see more than $2 billion in damages from recent flooding in the state.
The organization says damages from the Missouri River are not complete and the Mississippi River’s anticipated flooding has yet to hit, which will make this a challenging year for Iowa farmers.
Iowa Farm Bureau senior economist Sam Funk says the damages will continue to culminate long after the floodwaters recede.
Compared to the 2011 flood that destroyed 127,00 acres of crops, Funk says “this flood isn’t just bigger; the effects will last longer.”
Flooding may peak again, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, when snow melts make their way down from neighboring northern states and heavy spring rains arrive.
Many farmers in the flooded areas won’t plant a crop this season.
And, like in Nebraska, Iowa livestock farmers were challenged by floodwaters directly impacting animals or in accessing roads needed to care for livestock or transport them to market.