

In a statement by the American Soybean Association, leadership of the organization say the group “is not pleased” with recent comments by the President regarding tariffs and the China trade talks. 
President Trump has suggested that he could leave tariffs in place under an agreement with China. 
However, ASA considers the removal of tariffs on China part of an exchange for China to lift its retaliatory 25 percent tariff on U.S. soybean imports. 
ASA president Davie Stephens questioned: 


“How can the U.S. and China reach any deal without doing so?” 


ASA in prior statements said  “it’s not enough for China to make one-off good will purchases,” of U.S. soybeans over the last three months. 
Any longer-term plan to manage soybean trade under which China would guarantee to buy specified amounts of soybeans over an extended period—but still keep its 25 percent tariff in place—”is not an acceptable alternative to full market access,” according to ASA.

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