
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown United Way recently had a check presentation with Cavendish Farms for the 2018-2019 campaign.

Cavendish Farms and their employees have been a continued supporter for the Jamestown United Way campaign. This year, the United Way received word that their campaign contribution is above and beyond with a donation of $81,400.00.

Jamestown United Way is grateful for the increased donation from Cavendish Farms as well as all the donations received to support this year’s campaign goal of $200,000. With continued support, the Jamestown United Way can continue to support our local agencies as other special projects and Venture Grant recipients.

Brittany Thomas, an employee from Cavendish Farms said that “[she] wanted to donate to the [Jamestown] United Way being that Cavendish Farms is the #1 contributor in Stutsman County. It was very easy to donate being it is a payroll deduction and it feels good to give money to an organization that supports a variety of agencies in the community.”

The United Way of Stutsman County is part of United Way Worldwide. Its mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. The current impact model emphasizes that 99% of all funds raised stays within in Stutsman County. The local agencies supported are: Alano Society, Boy Scouts – Northern Lights, Camp Rokiwan, Child Care Aware, Community Corrections, Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons, Imagination Library, James River Transit, MOST/21st Cen. After School, PATH, Safe Shelter, Salvation Army, SANE/SART, Senior Companion Program, and The Arts Center.

For additional information, please contact Executive Director Karla Bachmeier at jmstuway@gmail.com or call 701-952-UWAY.

Story by Cassie DuBray and Jamestown United Way

Photo: L to R
Cavendish employees: Connie Harrington, Becky Kercher, Ben Strukel, Cory Mickelson, and Danny Corbin. Photo: Jamestown United Way