FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Fargo declared a State of Emergency for the flood of 2019 on March 19.
Mayor Tim Mahoney signed the declaration at a press conference to announce plans on how they plan to fight this years possible flood. The Mayor also announced that Sandbag Central will be opening next Tuesday, March 26 at 8 am. He said the city will need to produce a total of 1 million sandbags. If you would like to volunteer you can contact FirstLink. Mayor Mahoney said for now they are planning for a crest of 40.3. With the crest happening around April 15th. The city will be getting updates now twice a week from the National Weather Service on what to expect.
i3G Media reporter Erick Johnson said the City of Fargo will now have weekly meetings starting Monday, March 25th. He added the city is concerned that they will get enough volunteers to produce and deliver 1,000,000 sandbags.
According to the new flood protection measures in Fargo, they only need to produce 1,000,000 sandbags to protect the city to 40.3 feet. Back in 2009 the city needed 6.5 million sandbags.