JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Great music, good food and a wonderful time to socialize with other farmers and their spouses.
This was the atmosphere at the 42nd annual Farmers Appreciation Banquet, sponsored by the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce and the Ag Energy Committee.
The event was held at the Quality Inn, and the committee thanks the premier sponsor, Stutsman County Soil Conservation District. Thanks goes to all the other sponsors for the event, and to the Ag Energy Committee members for their time and efforts in making this a successful community appreciation for our farmers.
The second annual Woman in Ag award was presented to Julie Michel of Jamestown, with special recognition for all that she does to further the agriculture industry, as well as raising her children, Cody, Kale and Amanda.
Congratulations to Julie for all she has done and continues to do to support the business of agriculture.
The event featured the band The Great Outdoors performing some great songs that the crowd danced to, and the food was provided by Tapp’s Lounge and enjoyed by all. Many door prizes were donated by various businesses and the chamber, and those in attendance had a great time.
For more information on this event, please contact the chamber at 701-252-4830 or email director@jamestownchamber.com.