JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public Works Committee heard the latest in the 2019 water main replacement project Thursday afternoon.
Ben Aaseth with Interstate Engineering informed the committee that this summer, 10 to 12 blocks of water main in Jamestown will be replaced. That includes three block near the Anne Carlsen Center and eight blocks around the University of Jamestown Taylor Stadium. There will also be upsizing of a water main line at along 3rd Street Northwest.
City Engineer Travis Dillman also brought forth the need for replacing water meters sometime in the future.
Dillman says this will eliminate city staff entering people’s yards to read meters and increase accountability of residents. Dillman estimates at this time it could cost the city up to $2.8 million to implement the new system in the entire community.
There was no action taken on those items.
Later, Kevin Smith, Municipal Management Specialist with AE2S, addressed the committee with the latest for the Stormwater Utility fee. In 2018, Smith informed the council that they found a cost being accrued from the usage of the stormwater system in Jamestown that ended up to be around $500,000.
In order to address the costs, a fee would be implemented for businesses and residents to help offset those costs. Smith says all fees collected would be used for maintenance only. The fee would be $3 for residents and vacated properties. It would be more for larger businesses and properties.
Right now, the timeline shows there will property owner meetings and billing system testing before the fees are implemented. The estimated date of the fee taking place is July 1st, 2019.
No action was taken.