JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public Works Committee heard the latest on alleyway pickup changes proposed by Street Foreman Roger Mayhew Thursday afternoon.
Mayhew and Ralph Friebel had sat down to identify the alleys that both garbage and recycling trucks had the biggest issues entering and exiting for pickup. Councilmember Steve Brubakken stated that at this time, he’s not comfortable yet approving the move to curbside pickup only for those alleys.
Brubakken says informing those residents of the move would allow the city to answer questions on why their alleys are more difficult to pick up compared to others. Mayhew says the map identifies only problems with maneuvering for the truck operators.
Brubakken says now the city should work on contacting residents who use the identified alleys before implementing the curbside only pickup. Heinrich agreed, pointing out that this shows the city and residents that there has been a lot of work done to identify the alleys and inform the residents of the suggested move to curbside.
The city is currently contemplating a walk-up service where residents who couldn’t move their canisters to authorize a sanitation truck driver to collect the receptacle rather than collecting them on the street curb or alley. The fee would be $20 per month.
The program may be considered during the November 5th City Council meeting.