ELLENDALE, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The operation to provide disaster relief to the citizens of Ellendale whose basements were damaged in the 8 inch rain/sewer backup flood event in July is still ongoing.
According to Lutheran Disaster Services over $100.000.00 dollars of documented need has been established.
Many people lost ALL of their appliances such as hot water heaters, washers, dryers and furnaces to the flood event. This is over and above cleaning costs, re-sheet rocking and repairing other damage sustained.
These damaged residences identified, include elderly fixed income folks, single parents and other citizens with special needs. In many cases insurance, (if you had any) was capped and payed pennies on the needed dollar.
A fund was established for the Ellendale disaster at The North Dakota Community Foundation www.ndcf.net/give/urgent-needs.html to accept the tax deductible donations. To date with all of the other high profile disasters such as hurricanes the fund has been overlooked leaving our folks in a larch. Currently, there is nowhere near enough funds to help.
With winter coming on we need to raise enough money to at least guarantee heat in these homes.
A benefit dinner will be held at the Ellendale School on October 28th from 11 am to 1 pm to raise what funds we can. This event is a community sponsored event with all proceeds going to the Ellendale fund. Please mark your calendars to support this worthy cause and stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
Of course you can still send a tax deductible donation to the North Dakota Community Foundation and [mark it for Ellendale] to PO BOX 387 Bismarck ND 58502.