JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Earlier this month, Jamestown was recognized with the Mobilizer Award for the Git Fit & Explore Initiative.
The award was given as part of the Main Street Awards that honor communities that show excellence in elevating the three pillars of the Governor’s Main Street Initiative.
“Jamestown has worked diligently to differentiate and enhance the quality of life for their residents, present and future,” Burgum said. “It’s with great pleasure and gratitude that we recognize them with this award for efforts to enhance their vibrant community.”
Unit Administrator Robin Iszler at Central Valley Health stated that Central Valley Health helped write for the award.
“It was received for the walking efforts we did here in Jamestown,” Iszler pointed out.
Jamestown’s Get Fit & Explore Initiative is one of three local efforts addressing health issues such as obesity. The project will increase physical activity by adding education components and fun interaction to one of the local recreational paths.
“By making it convenient and more entertaining to use the trail, the community hopes to increase the number of people biking, walking and using other forms of active transportation,” the North Dakota Department of Commerce stated.
The Main Street Awards are a collaborative effort of the Office of the Governor, the North Dakota Department of Commerce and the North Dakota League of Cities. A selection committee made up of the collaborating agencies and partners judged the entries to make final awards.