JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown will look into increasing the license permit fees to place antennas on city water towers from $100 to $500.
During the Finance & Legal Committee meeting Tuesday, councilmembers discussed why the fee would be introduced. Councilmember Steve Brubakken pointed out that with the cost it takes to remove the antennas for water tower maintenance and painting is way more than the cost of the permits.
City Attorney Leo Ryan recommended the committee wait to move on the issue until more research could be done.
The committee unanimously agreed.
Later in the meeting, discussion of a request by the JSDC Economic Development Funds for Jamestown Tourism’s Grant request was held. Tourism requested $75,000 in matching dollars to help fund tourism sites, events, and other recreational entities that generate economic impact by bringing in visitors to Jamestown.
The city share would be $60,000 and the County share would be $15,000. The committee approved.
Later during the Building, Planning & Zoning committee meeting, an update on the recycling center facility was given. Ralph Friebel stated that they were working on a few more things before they were fully moved into their new building.
Friebel also informed the committee that he would like to remove the sidewalk on 10th Street in front of the building.
City Inspector Tom Blackmore informed the committee that before the facility is fully operational, there will be need to have an architect inspect the building and make sure it’s all up to code.
Fire Chief Jim Reuther says he dropped in to the plant to view the sprinkler system and more.
Friebel informed the committee that he had been informed by the previous City Administrator and Building Inspector that the building was up to code and able to be used for a recycling facility. City Administrator Sarah Helleckson stated she would do research and follow up with the previous city employee’s on the matter.