JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown School Board met Monday night for the final meeting before the beginning of the school year.

One of the first items of business was giving an Award of Distinction to Business Manager Sally Ost. Board Member Greg Allen read part of the letter from Superintendent Rob Lech.

Later in the meeting, Superintendent Lech informed the board of the potential for a new solar array near the high school. Lech says the opportunity comes after talks with Bob Sitzmann with Ottertail Power Company.

The array would be comprised of three 32/14 structures.

Joe Hegland talks to the school board Monday about the mentorship program.

Lech says the solar array would not provide direct energy to the district, but would provide “an excellent optic for renewable energy and also provide an educational opportunity for our students.”

The location of the array would be on the west side of the high school campus on the patch of land between the parking lot and the Temple Baptist Church with all construction costs fronted by Ottertail.

Later in the meeting, several teachers came forth to give information about the new teacher orientation. Curriculum Director Joe Hegland said they discovered the need to have orientation for new staff coming on.

Middle School Teacher Deb Hanson stated that the mentor program began a few years ago and includes training for mentors who then work with new staff to get them acclimated for the school year.

New Middle School Teacher Kaitlin Anderson pointed out that she was grateful for the program as she prepares for her first year.

Other items approved included the hiring of Jason Howcroft as the Auto Technology Teacher, extending the contract for the Striving Reading Literacy Coordinator and school compliance reports.