JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The North Dakota Patriot Guard (NDPG) is spending this weekend remembering and celebrating fallen American heroes.
The Patriot Guard attends funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. They show support for the heroes, families, and their communities. When necessary, they also act as a barrier or shield for the mourning family and friends from protestors. They do so through legal and non-violent means.
NDPG State Ride Captain Tony Krogh has been with the guard since 2007.
George Quigley is the Ride Captain for the Jamestown area. He says they have the bike run Saturday afternoon.
More than 300 individuals across the state participate in the ride.
Before the bike ride, there will be a freewill pancake breakfast at the Civic Center put on by the CMA’s.
The event welcomes in families who have lost a loved one in service or a veteran to suicide. In the past, they have held a ceremony honoring them, but Krogh says they’ll have something different Saturday before the ride that the public is encouraged to attend.
Following the ride, there will be raffles, silent auctions and more at the Jamestown Civic Center.