JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Following reports from the city street crews, the Jamestown City Council has begun discussion to consider making garbage collection and recycling curbside only with some exceptions.

Earlier this year, Sanitation Department Foreman Roger Mayhew brought forward the concerns of garbage pickup in some city alleys. City Council Member Dave Steele went on a ride along with Mayhew and discovered the issue some alleys present sanitation crews.

Steele says the city should map out which alleys can and can’t be picked up.

Council Member Pam Phillips agreed and has heard some of the same issues, especially in the winter.

Mayhew informed the council that there would still be some alley pickup that would need to occur if the council decided on curbside pickup only.

Mayhew says he knows the decision by the council will be a tough one because either decision will receive unfavorable reviews.

City Administrator Sarah Helleckson says recycling and sanitation would both inform residents of any change in pickup, but there may be some open houses for residents to learn more and voice their thoughts on the potential change.

City Council Member Dan Buchanan said he was unsure they had all the information needed to make an informed decision Monday evening.

Council Member Steve Brubakken agreed with holding some sort of open house and Mayor Dwaine Heinrich echoed those sentiments.

During the Monday night meeting, the Jamestown City Council also approved the $4,000 permit fee for a compassionate care center, gave authorization of significant community support for the Jamestown Rural Fire District, and the sale of a third lot to UPS to build in the I-94 Business Park.