JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDFU) – North Dakota Farmers Union (NDFU) welcomed the Trump administration’s announcement today of $12 billion in emergency aid to farmers affected by recently imposed trade tariffs.

The relief plan will include direct assistance, a food purchase and distribution program, and a trade promotion program, according to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Purdue.

“We are pleased that the administration heard our voices at the Rally for Agriculture,” said NDFU President Mark Watne of the Farmers Union-organized event held last month during the President’s visit to Fargo. “The trade war we are engaged in has had a profound impact on producers’ bottom lines.”

Watne said nationwide estimates show farmers lost more than $13 billion last month alone due to trade disruptions.

Perdue said USDA will tap into Commodity Credit Corporation funds to provide the emergency relief, and that congressional approval isn’t required for the disbursement.

“We are, however, far from breathing a sigh of relief,” noted Watne. “Emergency aid will never replace good market prices. This doesn’t solve the trade war, it just provides temporary relief to batten down the hatches.”

Watne said efforts to lower the benchmarks for ethanol production and the trade war bring urgency to passing a farm bill with higher reference prices that reflect the cost of production.